I have a "First Timer's" showcase
SATURDAY 11:30PM - 11:55PM First Timers 1 RM 724
I will also be showcasing with SUN & DARK , a group that formed as the result of a several years collaboration with Cat Terrones as co-writer, producer. The album we ended up with is due out this year and contains some of the best songs and recordings I've made to date.
Our showcase schedule is as follows:
THURSDAY 2:35 AM Minnesota RM 634
FRIDAY 2:30-3:00 PM Access Film (InTheRound) RM 552
FRIDAY 10:30-10-50 PM FAI First Timers RM 724
FRIDAY 2:15-3:00 AM Roaring Girl Records
SATURDAY 1:30-1:50 AM Pushing Chain RM 633
SATURDAY 2:00-2:30 AM Access Film (InTheRound) RM 552